4 March 2015 Journal Page

I am a bit behind in getting my class information out for September-December. The dates are listed here and I expect to have class information listed within the next two weeks. Tristan and I share a computer and he has been obsessively teaching himself 3D animation. He has an intense work schedule that gets him up at 7 a.m. and in bed after 11 p.m. He takes breaks to eat and walk the neighbor's dog. That's about it. He's devoted to his work and to learning new (to him) forms of animation. I'm proud of his work interest and devotion (though I do keep suggesting that he takes more breaks.) He'll be starting CalArts a month from now and his Father and I are as excited about this new journey for Tristan as much he is!

I'm hoping to take the photos and write up the class descriptions for my new classes and my Northern California classes this weekend. Off to get ready for my Sunday class at BookArtsLA. I don't have many dates scheduled in September (none in L.A.) so catch the classes while you can. 
