2 February 2015 Journal Page

I took Tristan for his permit test today. He passed and is eager to start his on the road driving tests (thanks, Nana, for the AAA driving school lessons for him!) 

I spent all afternoon reading Nina George's The Little Paris Bookshop. I'm halfway through and I can't put it down. I love books about how books weave themselves into our daily lives. In my home, books are such an important part of our everyday life. I can't imagine being without them. 

Lost in a book is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and such a rare treat (as I'm usually working and do most of my reading at night.) I'm thinking of starting more of my mornings with books (as opposed to the internet.) I have stacks of them around my bed waiting for me. Worlds and ideas to discover and ponder. What a lovely way to start the day. 
