Last Pages from Here in My Head

The above pages are still works in progress. I started both in classes and had to send the book off before I could finish them.

I just wanted to give a warm shout of THANKS to my students who were in Fremont this weekend. I want to thank Maria for being the best hostess and to each and every one one of my students and friends who were in the classes. I love seeing each of you there and I appreciate what you bring (of yourselves) to the classes. You are each a treasure and how much I love teaching at Maria's. Thank you.

I have two local classes left this month before I trek back East for two weeks of teaching:
6th Banana Rose Westlake Village A Gypsy Heart
14th Found: Moments of Me VERY Special One Time ONLY class at The Art Bar Santa Ana 

These are my ONLY classes in Ventura and Orange County this summer.



Lay Hoon said…
Your journal is always inspired me.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you Lay Hoon for the kind words. :)