Do You Think this is Enough?


Marrianna said…
Let's see - it's June 15 and you have all those classes to teach, all the traveling, and you haven't included your upcoming Art Unraveled teaching gig in Scottsdale in August. So the question is this: Will you still have enough when you get to Arizona for Art Unraveled? I bet you will have more than enough. The people in your classes, who may not have ever taken a class with you, are going to LOVE all your wonderful supplies. And when they tell their friends what those same friends missed by not signing up for your class(es)? Yup, those same friends are going to be so jealous. I see a very busy TSA person with her eyes WIDE OPEN when she checks your luggage and your "sanity kit" as you travel. We should have a hidden camera in your luggage to take her picture just to have some fun. Well, maybe not. Anyway, I look forward to photos of your classes on your blog and on your IG feed and Facebook. Have fun!
Sassi Steele said…
Dear Kelly~~
LOL.....they are going to think that you have a Serious un-named addiction!!!
They should only see our studio drawers, closets, floors, etc.......HA.
Anonymous said…
Took a spiritual journaling class with Kelly several years ago and yes, there was plenty of good stuff! I eventually finished it about a year later and it is the one journal I am most proud of. Mostly pictures and few words.