My Day at The Getty

When I found out that they had a Van Gogh on display, I knew we couldn't leave without seeing it. Van Gogh is one of my top favorite artists and I could've sat in front of his painting all day. 

The Impressionists' exhibit was stunning. These are some of my favorites that we saw.


Also very interesting to note who signed their paintings on the front and whose signatures (Turner) were missing. 

It was a long day but a good day. We had to leave early as Tristan had to attend a Senior Awards Show where he was awarded High Honors in Art and Outstanding Honors in French. Definitely a damn good day!

'We're so proud of Tristan! He was awarded High Honors in Visual Arts (he has the *best* teacher!) as well Outstanding Student Award in French.'


Tricia said…
Sounds like a great day out. Way to go T!