5 October 2014 Journal Page

Someone asked a great question this weekend that I thought I'd post here. She asked if the journal pages in all of my online classes were "repurposed" (using this for lack of a better word since my brain is a bit funky due to the time change. grrrr.) Not at all. If I'm teaching a new journal class (whether it's online or in person), it's all new pages made just for that class. 

My goal as an artist and a teacher is to develop classes that not only push my students but that also push me. I try to make each page different and unique than the ones that have come before it. My attitude is that we're all life long learners and I want to take the tools and supplies that I have and see how many different ways I can push myself as well as my pages.


trish quilty said…
way cool page Kelly....reminds me of Michael Jackson.