What I'm Reading
âTime to leave now, get out of this room, go somewhere, anywhere;
sharpen this feeling of happiness and freedom, stretch your limbs, fill
your eyes, be awake, wider awake, vividly awake in every sense and every
-Stefan Zweig,
The Post-Office Girl
I should be finished with Stefan Zweig's The Post Office Girl by the end of today. Deciding on which Zweig book to read next.
(Update: I finished it. I loved it and would recommend it. Still not sure which book I'll be picking up to read next later on tonight.)
I was quite happy to find a copy of Kierkegaard's Diary as I had been looking for it for some time now. I also picked up Kafka's Diaries while looking for a copy of Letters to Felice (no luck yet on that one.)
What are you reading?