9 October 2014 Journal Page

I've often said that one of my favorite things about teaching is seeing how folks process and share ideas. I also love when folks are fearless.

I taught two young homeschooled children how to make a journal yesterday. They had a blast! They were also completely fearless. They knew what they wanted to do with their books. They dove right into making their journals. They also made statements like this:

"I like pink so I'm going to use it in my book!"

"I like glitter so I'm going to use that in my book. Will you please bring lots of glitter next week?"

So many times I see folks (both children and adults) afraid to "mess it up" (their words, not mine.) I always try to encourage folks that they're just working on paper and that there are a million different possibilities. 

Art making is about trial and error. It's not about pretty or perfect. It's about exploration, playing and being caught in the moment. Contrary to popular belief, it is about thinking (I hate when art teachers tell you not to think. THINK! Don't stress! STRESS is what you want to avoid.) 

I love being caught in a moment when an artist gets it, no matter how young or old they are. How much we can learn from each other.


Sarah said…
Hi Kelly,
That is so well said. I am lucky enough to work with children and there is nothing I like better than when we are in the middle of something creative and how the ideas spark off each other and how, as you say there is no fear in them. It is interesting though that even by a fairly young age, some children have got that fear of messing it up, doing it wrong or that their work is not as good as their friends. If I teach them anything I would want it to be what you have just described. Especially as it applies to all forms of creative thinking, which children are going to need in the coming years and uncertain times.
I can feel the thrill! Kids' honesty and fearlessness is certainly inspiring. Thanks for sharing, kelly. I was thinking about you today. My second graders were creating their "YearLong snowman" by cutting different papers, drawing, coloring, gluing...after going through the creative writing process. They sure were uninhibited in their creations!!
Joanne said…
I totally agree with you about thinking....it's necessary when doing art....but stress - no way, no how. Love seeing your art - I look forward to it every day!