Gathering My Thoughts

I always try to seek out honesty and truth on my journal pages. I usually sit down and create a page about however I'm feeling and whatever I am thinking about at that specific moment in time. I want to go deeper within on my pages. 

Last night I was thinking about a few things that I wanted to journal about and how to remember them later on. I don't want to keep a separate written journal. I prefer to combine my written thoughts with my art. 

I decided that I would either keep a small book and pen next to my bed or even my journal itself where I could scribble notes on the back pages to refer to later on. We'll see what I decide upon and what works best for me. 

Do you do anything like this? If so, what works best for you?


Shanta Devi said…
Hi Kelly,

Great post. I keep Post-Its and a pen and blank sheets of loose paper by my bed (and next to my desk lamp) so that I can jot down any dreams I remember or thoughts before bed or first thing in the the morning. Love this because otherwise I'd forget those little bits of unconscious that I find so revealing, looking back.

I currently keep (and carry in my purse) a written, lined journal that's primarily for free writing, but I've found myself collage and drawing/doodling in it because I can't stand just lines and lines of writing (drives me nuts) and an art journal that includes everything, including writing.

I stick (glue/tape) the bedside notes in either journal as they come about.

I think I may eventually switch to carrying just an art journal - because of the added weight of carrying two journals, and I really, really like the idea of carrying one primary art journal, although I do work in mutliple ones at once.

- Shanta
Susie said…
Hi Kelly
Great post as always, not a day goes by that I don't peek in on you. I keep a small flat, tray meant for letters/mail. It's no larger than a sheet of paper and about 2 inches tall all the way around and when a thought grabs my attention I jot it down and or print it, depends on where I am in the house or what I am doing and then I toss it into the tray for reference later. I also use the same tray for bits of this and that and then later will sort these bits into their own homes but the words, thoughts stay in tray until they make their way to a page. I've tried keeping a serperate journal for these 'random' thoughts but that never works for me. I'm like you and prefer my words and art to be expressed together which is what I've always done. Even when I did keep written journals in my 20's, stuff always found their way to my pages and I've found I need the voice of both the visual and the written when I journal. The tray serves as a 'rest stop' for things I need to express and allows those thoughts a place where I won't forget about them. It also keeps them together rather than scattered hither and yon which can happen around here when you have 3 levels in your house to roam, I got the tray at Target for 5.00 bucks. I've also started using them for keeping my images under control. They stack nicely and take up very little space even when they are full to over flowing.
Anonymous said…
I jot stuff down into my iNotes on my iPhone. The darned thing is with me all the time (and sits on my nightstand since it also serves as my alarm clock). That's where I keep my written "idea kernels" mostly.

Lovin' your daily blogs, Lady... thanks for sharing so much. :) ~A xo
OhSuz said…
Love your pages, Kelly! My art journaling is transitioning from just using quotes on my pages to now actually journaling my thoughts, feelings, etc. I tend to jot things outside of my journal first (either on a notepad or in my iphone) & then eventually these work their way into various journal pages for keeps.