When Nerds Attack

Photo: Home from seeing #edgeoftomorrow. We're in @nerdist's selfie with Tom Cruise. Tristan and I are right where Tom and Chris' heads meet. LMAO. We were at the #edgeoftomorrow panel at SDCC last year so it was nice to be just a couple of rows away this time. #film #tomcruise
You can clearly play Where's Waldo and find Tristan in this picture (he's right above Tom's head. I'm standing to his right. David is to my right.)
Last night we went to Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood to see a special sneak peek of Edge of Tomorrow presented by The Nerdist. It took me a few minutes to realize that something was up and that it was something more than a film we'd be seeing when I noticed the video cameras set up. We sat about three rows from the front (not a good idea if 3D makes you sick but a very good idea if you want to actually be able to see whatever their surprise was going to be.)

As for Edge of Tomorrow, I liked the idea of it. It's based on a book called All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. It's hard not to like something with Bill Paxton in it. There was some good dialogue but in the end it was like watching someone else play a video game for nearly two hours. I wasn't expecting much. If you want a good resurrection film, go see the new X-men Days of Future Past.

Seeing Tom Cruise twice was the highlight. (edit: David reminded me that it was actually the third time, the first being the Eyes Wide Shut premiere in Westwood in 1999.) I was never a Tom Cruise fan until last year when I saw him at Comic Con for the Edge of Tomorrow panel (hosted by Chris Hardwick.) I don't know why I felt that way as he's a great actor and his films are usually very good. I'd go to see his films but not because he was in it. Seeing him in person has changed my mind. He is hysterical in person.

In the end, we had a good time last night at a free screening at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Tom Cruise showed up, we laughed, had fun and that's all that mattered.

You can see a video of Tom, Chris and the people who rushed Tom taking a selfie here (Tristan, David and I are standing at our seats above Tom's head.)
