I Never Travel Without Them...

Books! Here's what I'll be bringing with me as I head back East tomorrow. I even went out and bought a paperback copy of Van Gogh's Letters instead of carrying my hardcover copy around. I hope to pick up one or two new titles in MA and NY this trip. I love books as souvenirs.

Trekking to NYC later this week to teach at The Ink Pad (my MA classes are at the end of the month.) Any places that you'd recommend? I love books (The Strand is always on my list), art supplies (the Ink Pad!!!!) anything art related, film, pizza, bagels and cupcakes and not necessarily in that order! Thanks in advance!


Seth said…
Not sure if you ever saw the post I did on NYC...just don't visit the Garage Flea Market. It is closing in 1 ½ weeks :-(
