Pen and Marker Tips

22 April 2014 Journal Pages and Pockets

I often receive emails from folks who have questions and pens about markers. I've compiled a little tip sheet that I hope helps:

1. Make sure that your surface is completely dry if you're using acrylics or acrylic mediums.

2. If using watercolors or watercolor crayons, go over the surface (when you are finished and everything is dry) with a thin coat of gloss medium to seal the watercolors and give it a surface that has some tooth. Keep the application thin and you may have to work in small sections so that the watercolors don't mush around.

3. Keep an even hand. I've noticed that a LOT of folks are heavy handed with their pens. The ink should flow from the pens. 

4. Keep a piece of scrap paper that is uncoated nearby so you can test your pens on it.

5. Test your pens on similar color/kind of paper before you use it on your artwork that way you can see if the color is what you want and if the pen/marker does what you want. 

6. Keep your pens capped and stored flat when not in use.

7. If you are using a paint marker, shake (always with the cap on) the pen and pump the tip up and down on scrap paper to get the ink flowing.

8. Keep the pens in a cool, dry place (away from heat or anything that will dry them out.)

My List of Favorite Pens can be found here (there are lots of links in this post.) I also added some tips for using my favorite pen, the .35 Rapidosketch to this post.

My List of Favorite Supplies can be found here (as well as a small button on the right hand side of this blog.)


Felicia said…
Thanks again Kelly, you are a jewel!! I have always had your page bookmarked as a "go to" spot, not to mention for your fabulous inspiration!! :)
I look forward to all the information you share, Kelly! It's always so insightful and helpful! Your pen info, is the best!
Bobbie said…
I check out your blog almost daily, and really enjoyed today's post. Is there any chance you could include that picture with the pink 'petals' (on the page that starts out "journaling is my time...") on your next collage sheet?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you, Felicia, Indigene Theresa and Bobbie for the kind words. :)

Bobbie, I'm not sure if I have another copy of that picture. I'm not even sure where it came from. I'll keep my eyes open though.