8 April 2014 Journal Page
Busy week ahead. I'm teaching at Banana Rose in Westlake Village on Saturday. There's a sample in the store as well as online. You can sign up here. This is my last class at Banana Rose until late Summer/Early Fall. FYI!
I'm going to be selling my journals again this Wednesday at Noon PST here on the blog. At noon, a new blog post will pop up with all of the information in it. If you have any questions, please email me. I won't be doing this again for awhile so catch it while you can.
Still stalking the local newsstand for a copy of Flow #5. It's out but I have yet to see it on any newsstands so it may still be on a boat or truck somewhere...
Blog Love:
How to be Creative on the Spot
I Love Typography
A Field Journal