12 April 2014 Journal Page

This is the last page in my Breaking Open: A Precious Journey Journal. I hope that you've enjoyed seeing the pages. I'll be teaching this class a couple of times over the next few weeks (Northern California, Los Angeles and Colorado.) You can find out more here

I'm teaching a rare painting class this Sunday at The Word is Art in Culver City. We'll be experimenting with a variety of wet mediums (gouache, watercolor, masking fluid, watercolor crayons, paint pens and more) and creating a little book at the end. More here. You can sign up here.
I am working on a new pen post that I hope some of you find to be of use. I've been a bit obsessive about these pens lately and hope to share the info with you within the next week or so. We'll be using them in my class this Sunday. This is when I get to pretend that I'm a "Mad Scientist" with my pen ideas. Yeah. I already know that I'm weird but at least I have fun experimenting and sharing it with you.

Blog Love:
Strawberry Popsicles with Greek Yogurt (It's in the 90's this week in So California.)
