The Seeds We Plant

With the help of good friends, wonderful students, store owners willing to give me a chance and family, I am going to be traveling to teach this summer in:

-6-8th Northern California (Fremont)
-19-22nd in and around New York City (two locations)
-27th & 28th Massachusetts (on the South Shore)

-15th New Mexico (Santa Fe) 
-18-20th Colorado (Loveland)
-30th-August 2nd Arizona (Art Unraveled.) 

I will be linking and adding more information about all of this within the next couple of weeks. I am excited and grateful for these opportunities! Please stay tuned for more info. 

If you're in Southern California, catch my Little Love Notes: Triptych Book Revised and Revisited this Sunday at the Art Bar in Santa Ana. More local class info can be found here.
