17 January 2014 Journal Page

"I really do want to be more present. I want to be here even when it hurts."-Something I wrote on the above page. Something I've said often.

Kay asked me if I worked on the table or the floor. I work on the floor because I can spread out more. That said, if I had a table that was larger and that was at standing height, I'd be working there, too. I like to be able to move around a lot as I work and sitting on the floor allows me to move my legs around (as does standing at a table.) Just me and my weirdness. 


Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly - Love the page you posted Feb 28 - your January 17 page.
I love the blue and yellow together. It has inspired me to work more with blue and yellow, being from a scandinavian place - Minnesota, I am used to seeing these colors overused in a particular "scandinavian" way. For some reason your combo and everything else you put together on your page made me see blue and yellow differently - Thanks! Curious about your yellow roses - did you cut them out? I love to cut things out and I am impressed with how perfect they are. Thanks as always for the regular inspiration. You're the best!
Pam (from Mpls)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Pam,

Thanks for the kind words! I didn't cut the roses out on this particular page. :)
I know what you mean about certain color combinations. I'm happy that the page inspired you. :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Pam,

Thanks for the kind words! I didn't cut the roses out on this particular page. :)
I know what you mean about certain color combinations. I'm happy that the page inspired you. :)