
31 October 2013 Journal Pages
One of the things that has been running through my head lately is the word, "connections." Journaling (to me) is very much so about making connections with ourselves as well as reaching out to those around us. It's about finding, documenting, exploring, creating and just being.

I am grateful for the journal keepers before me who have taken the time to write down their thoughts and feelings. I am grateful for the folks who took the time to preserve and publish these volumes making them available for folks like you and I to read, ponder and possibly identify with. I am grateful for thoughts like these that make me feel less alone:

“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.”-Frida Kahlo 


Seth said…
Well said Kelly (and Frida too). Connections...when you think about it, that is really what everything it is all about!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Seth, exactly. This post came about after a conversation that my husband and I had last night where I said just that. EVERYTHING we do is about connections. It's also a response to recent blog posts by others who chose to destroy their old journals.
Anonymous said…
*Love* this Kelly! So, so true... and the part about not feeling so alone in one's "differentness", that too. Taking part in some of the art journaling prompt thingies going on this month and seeing all of the participation is heartening. We are not alone. We are not so different. <3
Unknown said…
Eloquently expressed Kelly - and I love the Frida quote
Barb Smith said…
Love the Frida quote so much...I've always felt like she was talking to me with it. I agree with both you and Seth...all of life, every facet of it, is about connections. BTW, I can't imagine destroying my journals. Just the thought of destroying them kinda freaks me out.
peace & love,
Yes! My journals and my art are both about connecting back to myself, connecting the dots, making sense of my world. Then the art that I send out to the world is intended to connect to others. It's that jolt of recognition that often attracts us to a particular work. We are all's quite beautiful to think about it in that way.
Love the Frida quote.