Composing A Life: A Journal Box


Home from East Coast Home. Lots on the to do list before I pack up again and head north to Modesto this weekend (teaching a one day, special class for the Art Menagerie Group of Modesto. More here.) 

Thinking about my trip and the New Year and what's to come in 2014. Lots to process, think about and plan for yet still working on slowing down and enjoying the now.

Above is my latest journal project, Composing a Life: A Journal Box. I'll be debuting it later this month at Maria's studio in Fremont, CA. I was inspired by Marcel Duchamp's Box in a Valise. I have had it in my head for several years now to do a class inspired by one of my favorite pieces. I was lucky to see it in person at MOMA last year (I made a beeline for it as soon as I caught a glimpse of it.)  I'll be showing my box project here on the blog over the next couple of weeks. I hope that you enjoy it!


femminismo said…
Perfect, Kelly! I have a leather-ish hat box I could use for this!
Unknown said…
Oh that looks amazing Kelly and I am so looking forward to seeing more of it. I know that I will certainly enjoy it.

I hope to make a start on one of the courses I bought from you next week - haven't had time to do any crafting so far this year!
Kathryn Zbrzezny said…
I am intrigued!
can't wait to see more of this! intriguing