Bringing Home the Goods

On my way to Modesto on Friday, I decided to make a (very big) detour and hit my favorite small stores on 4th Street in Berkeley. I found lots of goodies at Scrapbook Territory, Castle in the Air, Nest, and Books Inc.

The only things in the above photo that I can't recommend are the October Afternoon rolling stamps (dates and sayings.) They are the most poorly designed rolling stamps I have ever used. They weren't cheap either. They don't roll well *at all* so just any fyi if you are a sucker for stamps like these (as I usually am.)

After several weeks of go, go, go, I am taking today off to recharge a bit. I am a wee bit behind in emails and I apologize for it. I will be back to work tomorrow morning! Off to play and explore in my journals and books.


file under misc. said…
Oh those rolling stamps SUCK and are unnecessarily pricey. They are poor image quality and the rubber eventually breaks. The only good rolling stamps I've got are the more office type ones for the date and whatnot. Makes me mad too because those rolling stamps have so much potential!
PattiV said…
ahhhh i see you got some Leavenworth stamps :D I <3 them soooo much!!!! glad you had a nice trip
Unknown said…
Take a well earned rest my treasure.

Feet up, a bit of pampering, and just spend the day relaxing.

Emails can wait a few days.
Sandy said…
I LOVE the stamp on the left that looks like wave half circles. Can you tell me who that is made by?
Kelly Kilmer said…
@Sandy Paper Source

@PattiV No Leavenworth stamps this trip. Hero Arts, and some others... No LVJ.

@Lottie. Thanks. I wish it was that easy at times! :)

@File under misc AGREED!