Opening Up

Up until 2004 or so, my journal pages usually were about what I did, who I was with, etc... They told bits and pieces of my daily life (often routine) and rarely ever spoke of anything deeper than what I did that day. One day it changed completely. Looking back at my pages I can see that it was world events and my attitude towards them that shaped my journaling into what it is today. I started to write about my feelings, thoughts and anything other than what I was doing at that moment. 

At the suggestion of a few friends (okay, more the constant loving nagging), I started sharing these pages on my blog. I was a bit anxious about sharing them but realized that by posting my pages I could possibly encourage others to do the same and open up on their own journal pages.

It's not hard for me to open up and spill onto my pages. I've been keeping a journal for so long. Yet at the same time, even with all of my openness, honesty and raw vulnerability on my pages, I want to go deeper. That's what I'm going to push for as we enter 2014. I hope that you'll come along on the journey with me.

Blog Love:
Craft Therapy's Be A Voice
Alisa Golden's Art-Related Book Gift Guide (I have many of these!)


Anonymous said…
Have you read "My Year of Meats" by Ruth Ozeki? I just finished this. It is one of the best novels I've ever read. It is written as sort of a journal and goes from funny to deep in a way that has inspired me to journal more about the kinds of things you mention in your post. I found this book easy to read, hard to put down.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you, PeggySu. I will look for it.
Barb Smith said…
I am shooting for that same kind of thing in the new year, dig deeper and see what really does lie in this heart of mine. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for the blog love and your wonderful comment today. Like you, I quietly read along here but just keep to myself most of the time.

BTW, how long is your BOGO sale? I have a couple of your classes I want to take (a couple actually means a few more than two, don't ya know) but payday is a few days away.

Thanks again!
peace, love, & admiration,
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Barbara. The BOGO sale goes through Monday morning, December 9th at 9 a.m. PST. If you have any questions, I'm here. :) Hugs and huge thanks!
Unknown said…
You are so generous (and brave) going 'deeper' and baring your soul on your blog - I do so admire you.

I have posted your most generous offer on two forums - on of which has a lively group of journal makers - I hope you get some business from them - you so deserve it.

I am so excited of spending the next year working on the journals I have bought from you,

The detailed content is absolutely amazing and I have never bought a workshop from anybody on any subject from someone who has put such and energy into the information ,the photos, the prompts, layouts, inspiration - you are so unique I just want the 'world' to find you and experience the joy of such workshops.

Thank you