Influences, Creativity and How We Think

I've read two inspiring blog posts today that I wanted to share. I know that I often link other folks blogs here but I really hope that you will take time to stop by, read their words and let them seep in a bit...

Alisa Golden's post on Peer Pleasure: Robert Duncan, Jess, and Friends "As we create works we are all influenced in some way. We may subconsciously make similar work, we may respond to a feeling, concept or specific material in the work, or we may intentionally choose to use what we see."-Alisa Golden 

Quinn McDonald's post, A New Kind of Class
"Because I’m there to demo techniques, make suggestions, and help on the discovery step when something goes wrong, the participants learns a skill, along with problem solving and self-confidence. The resulting curiosity and joy in discovery is the basis of a living a creative life." -Quinn McDonald
