Advice for Artists
"Advice to young writers? Always the same advice: learn to trust our own
judgment, learn inner independence, learn to trust that time will sort
the good from the bad – including your own bad." ― Doris Lessing
The same advice can be given to artists. Start by doing. Put something on the page. Keep making. Trying. Pushing. Don't judge at first. Do the work. Learn. Learn by doing. The more work you accumulate will give you the freedom and the power to go back and look at it with fresh eyes. Look for what you like and what draws you in. Make more work with your newfound knowledge. Only with time and an accumulation of work should you go back, look at what you have created and process what you see. Artists are not born. They are made with time, work, perseverance and effort. Lots of it.
The same advice can be given to artists. Start by doing. Put something on the page. Keep making. Trying. Pushing. Don't judge at first. Do the work. Learn. Learn by doing. The more work you accumulate will give you the freedom and the power to go back and look at it with fresh eyes. Look for what you like and what draws you in. Make more work with your newfound knowledge. Only with time and an accumulation of work should you go back, look at what you have created and process what you see. Artists are not born. They are made with time, work, perseverance and effort. Lots of it.