19 August 2013 Journal Page

I love coloring parts of my pages in. Oh, how it brings me back, calms me down and makes me focus on the present moment. I used Glaze and Souffle pens to color in the circle design. I try to let each color dry before I start the next layer. If you're using a Rapidosketch to outline any work done with a Glaze or Souffle pen, make sure that pen work is dry before you use your fine tip Rapidosketch. I also like to have scratch paper nearby in case my markers and pens start to misbehave. Usually a quick mark made on scrap paper seems to help move the ink along. 

More tips on Glaze and Souffle pens here.


Nancy said…
Beautiful page! I love your coloring, doodles, etc - and totally agree, that's the part that brings my focus in, is far better than Calgon!
Mary Meyer said…
Over the past couple of years I have integrated far more drawing and painting into my pages. There are so many "doodle" books available now and I think it is a movement in meditation and helps balance or counteract our crazy world. It feels so good.