17 August 2013 Journal Page

Home from a good day of teaching at The Word is Art gallery. So thankful to have a spot open up for classes that's so close to where Stampin from the Heart used to be.

Thanks to a bit of permanent glue dots and tape, I was able to attach the vellum (which is always tricky to work with) to the page. I collaged on top of it using a glue stick. The pen work on the vellum is done with a .35 Rapidosketch and Souffle pen (Sakura Glaze, Pilot Latte and most water based paint markers like Sharpie and Molotow also work on vellum, tape and slick surfaces.) If you're not sure if something will work, test it on a scrap piece of paper (or tape, vellum, etc...) before trying it on your actual page. It's what I do with new pens and markers.


Jan said…
hi kelly
Does your rapidograph clog when you outline AFTER writing with the Soufle or Glaze? Mine seems to be really sensitive if I try that. :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Jan, make sure that your souffle and glaze are totally dry before using your rapidosketch pen. Give it a few minutes.