
I love the simplicity in speaking my truth on this page. 

I've always encouraged my students to play with their handwriting. You may have already heard my story of eight years of Catholic school and nuns constantly telling me that I had the worst handwriting. I never let that stop me from writing in my journals. I pushed and I played. It's something that I'm still doing today.

There are several different handwriting styles on this page, three of which are mine. I love script and what looks like the touch of a human hand on a page.

When I write my biggest concern is getting whatever it is that I need to out and onto the page. I can always fix or hide things later on if I make a mistake but usually I let it go. It's part of me and I'm far from perfect so why would I want my pages to be perfect? I want them to be an honest expression of me in that moment. I want them to be human and open. I want them to be messy and full of life. I want them to be a reflection of my now so that tomorrow me can look back and remember today.

One of my favorite magazines, Darling, is offering a digital copy of issue #1 for free today only. More info here.


Unknown said…
I could not agree more with your statement, " I want them to be an honest expression of me in that moment. I want them to be human and open. I want them to be messy and full of life. I want them to be a reflection of my now so that tomorrow me can look back and remember today". This is what it is all about. Also, what an amazing publication Darling is. I just checked out the Blog and ordered 2 back issues. Will probably subscribe. You always have the best info about books and supplies and all kinds of goodness. Thanks!