Muir Woods

I went to my version of Church this morning.


Tricia said…
lynne h said…
we belong to the same church...

Jocelyn in NZ said…
What a magnificent tree. There is something so very awe-inspiring about trees and forests, isn't there. Forests, and the ocean, are where I feel most at peace - no matter what is going on in the world, in my world, they just keep on; growing, harbouring other life, serene, majestic.
Anonymous said…
When I was in 7th grade and quit the Catholic church, the parks in my home town that opened onto Lake Erie were my church. I totally get where you are coming from.
Lori Wostl said…
That was my exact reaction to Muir Woods. Hallelujah!
maxine said…
among my favorite. Places. Ever...
Kate Burroughs said…
Beautiful! So glad that you made it to the redwoods!
Aloha, Kate
martha brown said…
This would be my 'instead of church' too!