Making my Way

Looking back at this page two months later, I'm okay with it. I don't love it but I'm okay with it. It says what I needed it to say at that moment in time. Those words still resonate strongly with me now. Isn't that all that should matter?

Yet at the same time we push forward with our pages. We make more. We seek. We yearn. We ponder. We push. We regress. We strive. We fly. 

They're all valuable learning experiences. They're all moments that add up to the overall picture. It's all part of the process as we make our way in life.


Nancy said…
I think it's time for me to take another of your classes! I always appreciate, ok, love!, what you create, but you're still the "paint on a page, then collage" artist to me. (lol) That's not a bad thing at all, but I need to update - you AND me! ;-) Oh, decisions, decisions ...