Bringing Home the Goods

David and I ventured out into the heat yesterday. First we made a detour to Westwood where we had what I always call cookie ice cream (ice cream sandwiches on cookies) from Diddy Riese. We also stopped at Rocket Fizz for a couple of bottles of my favorite soda, Jones, in strawberry and root beer. We needed some cold stuff in our bellies before we trekked to downtown Los Angeles where it was boiling. 

We scored (for the first time in awhile) an easy parking space at The Last Bookstore. I needed small hardcover books for my Pocket Planner class at Art is You in Petaluma in a few weeks (remember, registration closes in a few days.) I didn't find anything else but what I needed for class.

Next stop was Kinobuyitall, I mean Kinokuniya. I've been meaning to go for a few weeks now. I knew I had to go yesterday when I noticed my yellow Glaze pen was completely empty. I found the replacement colors I needed as well as a couple of other pens in red and pink that I want to try. A feather stamp called to me. An alphabet set did, too, but I resisted that $18 call. On my way to the cash register, I spied the magazine, Palm Maison. I flipped through it a few times before I decided it must be mine (I ripped it up for collage immediately when I got home.) 

One thing that made me sad was that Kinobuyitall seemed to have downsized their washi tape section. I'm hoping that they were just running low but it seemed much smaller than last time. They're the only place in Los Angeles that usually carries a good selection so that was disappointing. I also noticed the price on the Glaze and Souffle pens went up ($2.50 each) where a two pack is usually $4. I'll have to order next time from Jetpens or go to Swain's in Glendale where I think they are slightly cheaper. 

All in all, it was a very good day! The heat must've gotten to our heads because before we went home, we called in for a pick up order of a pizza from Hollywood Pies! Tristan was very happy when we walked in the door with it!

Off to finish prepping for my Banana Rose class tomorrow. Hope your weekend is good!


Sandy said…
Sounds like a great day. Love seeing these photos. ;) And now I want pizza. lol
Susie K said…
Hi Kelly! I have been following your art for the last several months after discovering you on Pinterest. I'm a tad excited that you live so close to me. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley and live in Lancaster now. How I wish I had known about the store in LA that you taught at before it closed. You write about all the cool local places you find your supplies. Lancaster is the art supply wasteland. Is there a way I can find where in LA these places are you talk about? I'm all for taking a field trip to load up on goodies for my art stash. If it is at all possible to let me know I would really be thankful. Have a great weekend and try to keep cool in this crazy heat.....Susie King
Kelly Kilmer said…
@Sandy-LOL! Sorry about the pizza! ;) It was a great day!!!!

@Susie-The store in LA closes at the end of the month but I am teaching classes at a gallery that is a few minutes down the road from where that store is. The new place is called Word is Art and my class schedule is located on the right side of my blog. There is also a button on the right hand side of my blog that lists my favorite supplies and it has a list of the places I love to shop at. :) Hope this helps!!!!