Still Bringing Home the Goods

Hi. My name is Kelly and I'm a paper addict. Um. Books. Tape. Rub-ons. Transparencies. Yeah. Stuff like that. At least I know I'm not alone.


Unknown said…
You are definitely NOT alone!! :) Tammy
Unknown said…
You are definitely NOT alone! :)
Sandy said…
Love the goods. I'm addicted too. We need a support group. ;)
Brian Kasstle said…
Amen, I am with you sister.

Thanks for sharing.
Emie58 said…
I suggest a support group for all of us... but I doubt we could find a room big enough!!! Besides... who wants to quit????
Debby said…
Nope you are not alone in your addictions!
Cat said…
Saturday I went out and bought a 10-drawer rolling organizer cart at Michaels for my addiction. I've seen this cart go for $75 but Michaels had it on sale for $29.99 with another 20% off. Oh, yeah--23 buckeroos for that bad boy!! I was doing the happy dance all the way home! Too bad it's full already. (should have bought two of them)