Ask Yourself What If

People often ask questions about why my pages look like they do. I am a firm believer in trying to approach each page in a different way each time I sit down to create. I like to play with images, color, patterns, shapes and texture.

The most important thing to me in finishing a page is making sure that my voice comes through loud and clear. I want the pages to look like I've made them.

The more you work and push yourself in your journal, the louder your voice gets. You learn what images and colors you gravitate towards. It comes with time and practice. It never comes overnight. You have to do the work.


Smiling. :)
Cheryl said…
Amen to doing the work. I took out my sewing machine to fix a couple blouses and have kept it out to sew paper collages.
Susie K said…
i love the honesty in your art! art journaling should include the dark days and not just the happy, shiney moments in life. i've had some tell me they are sorry because one of my works might have a darker theme or emotion. but isn't art about stirring emotion to the viewer as well as for the artist to express herself? just wanted to say "hi" for the first time and let you know i love what you do. it inspires me to create the good and the not so good days. thank you! :)