Ray Harryhausen


It's funny how people you don't even know touch your life in ways that they'd never imagine. The world lost a giant today. I'm sitting here bereft at the thought. Forrest J Ackerman. Ray Bradbury. Ray Harryhausen. The Great Three who opened the eyes, ears, hearts and minds to so many are all gone now.

100th Meeting of the LASFS 1940 Harryhausen, Bradbury, Forry (to name a few)  

I grew up watching, reading and hearing about all three. What kid wasn't mesmerized by skeletons coming to life? I remember screaming when I saw Medusa on TV for the first time (I delighted years later in seeing the model in person at The Academy.) I dreamed of visiting the Ackermansion. I had piles of Bradbury books by my bed. Their visions and worlds melded with mine and stayed in my dreams. 

My family and I were lucky enough to meet and see all three men on more than one occasion. These are memories that are completely embedded in my mind. Forry asking if I wanted to see Bela Lugosi's Dracula ring. Bradbury almost running Tristan and I over in his wheelchair. Harryhausen having one heck of a handshake in his late 80's. I'm shocked that they're all gone. We were lucky that all three lived so long. 

Harryhausen wasn't just an animator. He created worlds. He made legends and myths come to life.  He picked up where O'Brien left off and opened the doors and minds to so many. As a friend said, he was a magician. 

I just wonder if the world realizes what we lost today. 

"I'm very happy that so many young fans have told me that my films have changed their lives. That's a great compliment. It means I did more than just make entertaining films. I actually touched people's lives -- and, I hope, changed them for the better." Ray Harryhausen



tracey said…
Nice tribute. He was freakin' cool.
Dawn said…
Amazing tribute Kelly, thank-you. Harryhausen has been a 'hero' of mine ever since I can remember - I cried buckets when I read the news.
Hugs x