10 April 2013 Journal Page

Happy Sunday, folks!

BIG thanks to everyone who bought, took the time to look at or even passed along information about my journals. It is all very much appreciated. 

The places where you'll find me today: in my journal, nose in a book and hopefully, at the Farmer's Market for a wee bit (gotta get my $5 roses and strawberries!)


Farmer's markets are the best. I need some blueberries...enjoy what sounds like a perfectly wonderful day, Kelly!
Sandy said…
Great pages. I miss our farmers market so much. It's an hours drive to the nearest one but I go by every time we are near one. There is a man who's local that puts out extras from his garden and has an honor system. He puts a sign with how much things are and you put the money in a can. We always go to him first for fresh goods. Have been for over 10 years.