Thoughts on a Sunday Morning

All packed and ready for my class this afternoon. It feels like I haven't taught an in person class in ages and I'm more than ready for it! It's not like the old days when I taught every day of every weekend. I miss what we used to have though I am grateful that we at least have a couple of stores left.

Above is my "Little Love Notes Triptych Book Revised and Revisited." I finished all sixty pages of it in about 24 days. Pages have been pouring out of me for the past ten months. I am thankful to have an outlet and a place to process. Remember my motto, if I can do it, so can you (and it doesn't have to be in three weeks!)

I hope that you have a wonderful Sunday. Make something. Read something. Bake something. Walk somewhere. Do something for you that fills you up.


Kathryn Zbrzezny said…
I took a long walk this morning. I took photos of spring happening. I LOVE your journal...