Emotional Attachments

Yesterday I posted a page that I said that I didn't love. I'm happy with a page if I feel that it's said everything I want it to say (both visually and with my journaling.) I don't worry about my pages being pretty or perfect, that's not important to me. I worry about MY reaction to the pages later on. I do not make my pages for anyone other than me (my pages are like love letters to myself and on occasion I do write them to others like my husband, son, family members, friends, etc..., mostly they are made for me.) I try to push myself with each and every page as much as possible. When I can't push anymore, I move on. That's what happened with yesterday's page. 

The page you see above is one that I love. It's exactly what I wanted and needed it to be at the time. I can remember how I felt when I made it and it evokes a strong emotion in me when I look at it again. That is the kind of response that I'm looking for when I make my pages. Not all pages are like this but this is what I personally strive for when I make a page.

It's funny when I read on various blogs about what folks think an art journal is or should be. It's all about what YOU need it to be. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.  

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."  ~Georgia O'Keeffe


Tricia said…
I always feel a personal connection to your pages and think to myself thats exactly how I feel. Glad to know I am not alone. Georgia's quote is well said. There are times when the pages I create go beyond words I could write. But then again as you know I have a fear of writing.
I think both pages look pretty wonderful! Full of COLOR, texture and depth...I love your words on art journaling: "It's all about what you need it to be" I'd love to quote you if I may!
PS: glad the trip to the dentist was not so bad. It's hard to go when you haven't gone in so long - I've been there myself so kudos to your bravery for going!
Sandy said…
I totally understand what you mean. When I work in my journal I'm not worrying about what others are going to think about my work or how many compliments I will get. I put what I like at the time on the page or whatever speaks to me (if that makes sense). I do like to write a lot and sometimes I have to stop myself because it can get to overwhelming on my pages. That's why I love to work in a larger journal, more words. :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Tricia! You are not alone!!!

Creative Beast, go for it! Thanks!!!!

Sandy, EXACTLY. That's EXACTLY the point! I'm working in a small journal right now (pushing myself with it) and I'm finding room to FILL the pages with words. lol
Seth said…
Very well said Kelly. In my mind, this is what differentiates a journal page from certain other art mediums.