Part Two of the Ten Minute Art Making Challenge

I set the timer for ten minutes and I added four collage elements to the above page. I also had time to stamp peace (up the top left corner) and the arrows along the bottom, middle of the page. I started to slow down a bit, step back and try to figure out what the page needed. When the buzzer went off, I didn't beat myself up for not having accomplished a lot, instead I started thinking about the direction that I wanted the page to go in. 

I'm not a big believer in the adage of "not thinking" while making art. Instead, I stress NOT stressing, not over thinking and not comparing your work to the work of others. My time for working in my journal is my downtime. It's time to process, expand and think about what's going on in my world right now. It's a time for me to decompress yet also ruminate about whatever is going through my head at that moment. 

You see while I'm using my journal to experiment and explore new methods of creating, I'm also using it to experiment and explore ME which requires some thinking and processing. My journal is my safe place where I can unravel and unfurl upon the pages and watch what comes undone.


Rita A. said…
Thank you, Kelly. All good advice. I'm loving this challenge.
Natasha said…
I enjoy reading your processes as you create, I think it is often the time I spend sitting with my work that allows me to do the most processing and reflecting. Thank you for sharing so openly.
Rita A. said…
This is fun. My day two:
Thanks for sharing I was inspired.
Anonymous said…
I am really enjoying this challenge, in fact it doesn't feel challenging at all. Here's my day 2.
hi kelly me again, still working on those gremlis, (the art and blog varieties) see mt ten minute day 1 at