On Blogging and Google Reader

20 December 2012 Journal Page
 The blog world is in an uproar that Google Reader is going away. I'm not happy about it and it seems that I'm not alone (there's a petition that's been started here.)

I have over four hundred blogs in my Google Reader. I've been using it for years and I'm used to it. I can read it when I'm on the go or when I'm lazy and would rather lie in bed and skim my blogs than turn on the laptop. It's easy to use and user friendly. It's been a part of my daily life for several years now and I'm sad that Google wants to shut it down. I know that there are alternatives but that means more work. Call me lazy or unwilling to change but if it ain't broke, why is there a need to make it go away?

Some folks keep saying that "blogs are dead." I don't find that to be the case at all. Blogs are where you find the human touch that's missing from facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc... From blogs, you get more of an insight into the person behind the blog banner (at least, I find that to be the case with the many blogs that I read.) I often find that when a favorite blogger doesn't post, I start to wonder if they're okay and what's going on. Like a newspaper, I read my blogs seven days a week. Sure, I have some blogs that I just look at the photos but there are several that I enjoy reading and clicking their links and seeing what they are sharing with us. I appreciate them even when I'm just quietly lurking (though I do comment occasionally to let them know that their posts are read and appreciated.)

I had someone (whom I had just met) recently tell me that I was very different in person than I am on my blog. I was shocked. I still don't understand what she meant and I'm kicking myself for not asking her. I always try to be honest and open in my blog (just like I am in real life.) I go for the "what you see is what you get" aspect. You see me both in person and on my blog in all of my imperfections, goofiness and blunt honesty. You might miss seeing the clumsy me on my blog, but it's there. Trust me. 

I share on my blog because I'm after that connection that we're all out to find. I find that I often ignore facebook and twitter but nary a day goes by when I don't read my blogs. 

I also LOVE posting on my blog. I like sharing my pages. I post my pages (ALL of them) to encourage others that if I can do it, so can you (I LOVE it when others are encouraged and post links to their own blog pages that may have been inspired by something that I have posted.) Teaching is a very important part of my life and while I try to post about my classes often (as it is an integral part of my life), my blog is not just an advertisement for the classes that I have to offer. I share me on the blog: what's going on in my life be it traveling to a class or something heavier. I always enjoy sharing what I find with you in my travels (be it books or art supplies or even a favorite film.) I don't censor my journal pages at all nor do I censor my blog posts. What you see is what you get. Ask me a question and I'll answer it as best as I can. I don't have all of the answers (I'm always still looking and digging deep) but I know (or at least I think I do) what works best for me.

I know that I love blogging and reading blogs and I really hope that they're not going away any time soon. Thanks for reading this and for being a part of my journey.


Anonymous said…
I signed the petition. Not sure what I will do if reader goes away ... :(
Sarah said…
I'm so glad you posted about this because I didn't know! And I use it too. Not happy!

And like you I love blogs - they aren't dead, that's ridiculous. Millions of people blog for the reasons you just gave and more. I like blogging because it gives me a place to write as well as post images and as you say, I connect with people through blogging. I don't like FB, I use twitter, but I make a point of connecting with people on it, and most of the people I tweet with are physically local to me, though we haven't met in person. I want connections, and blogging gives me that more than any other platform.
Lil said…
Thanks for the link to the petition. I have a few hundred blogs on my reader too. This morning, i was thinking it would at least be the motivation I need to clear out those that haven't had posts in months or years...

I signed the petition, though I don't think it'll help - it's all about the bottom line after all.

Blogs are dead? Not in my universe.
Lisa H. said…
I've signed 2 different petitions. I'm gutted that they are taking such a useful program away. I read your blog using Google Reader and hope we can change their minds.
Monica said…
I never knew what is was all about as I use Blogger Dashboard. I turn people on and off when I want a change. I better go and look at it.
I totally agree with you about blogs. FB is phony to think people really imagine these strangers are friends and self worth is counted by how many people friended you. It was a great communications devise unfortunately is now another advertising outlet. love blogs and their view into other lives.
martha brown said…
I follow 365 blogs, so I was shocked to read that Reader would be shutting down. I already use "Reeder" on my ipad, and I love it -- but there isn't a windows desktop version -- and I LOVE my giant screen (and my PC, lol)So I'm testing out Feedly today.....
trish quilty said…
I love to read your blog and many others. I do not have a cell phone so cannot "tweet". I do facebook, but I love my blogs as they are more personable with full pics etc. To me its almost more face to face!
Blogs are not dead or dying to most of us.
Danielle said…
I'm trying to figure out what I am going to use in place of Google Reader. I have also been using it for years...I love it. Browsing through my favorite blogs relaxes me. Thanks for writing about this. I have been blogging since 2006..I don't think blogging will ever become a thing of the past..at least I hope not.
Unknown said…
Oh, Kelly, I think you match your blog perfectly! Missing your classes...
Natasha said…
I am reading this on Google reader right now! It is just so easy and convenient. I had a minor panic attack when I found out they were shutting down.

I enjoy the sense of connecting on blog's. Getting to know the person and getting to build relationships with some people over time.

Thank you for sharing on your blog. I am often inspired by how open you are about creating your pages.
Cheryl said…
I didn't know google reader was going away. I must not use it. I go to my favorites from my list on the front page of my blog, not from my dashboard. Thanks for letting us know.
Sandy said…
Signed the petition. I don't want to have to relearn some other way when this one works great. Just like you said.
Brian Kasstle said…
I think what the woman might have meant is from a person's blog I sort of have a mental picture of their voice, tone, personality. They funny thing is it is usually completely different from when I meet them. I often wonder what folks think of me and my blog.

I love blogs. I feel exactly the same way when folks don't blog for a while.
Desert Mermaid said…
I don't Google, Tweet, Twitter, none o'dat. I'm on Facebook but I hate it and am barely present there. I read blogs, only, and only between 10-15 at any given time. There are five, including yours, I've been loyal to for years now. Blogs aren't dead in my world, not whatsoever!
FiveAcres said…
I'm going to be missing Reader as well. I've been using it since soon after its inception.

Susie said…
YES to all Kelly. I also feel a bond with my favorite blog artists and writers. It's where I take my morning stroll, see what they are up to, enjoy the bits of their lives that they share. I'm not a huge fan of FB. When I am on it, it's because it's connected to an on line class I'm taking. I don't twitter, that never made alot of sense to me, blog on the other hand offer so much more content and that 'real' connection. I've met more folks through their blogs than I'd ever have a chance in my day to day life, traveling far and wide just isn't a reality at this point in my life but a blog is a mouse click away. So again YES to everything you've shared.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting this and the petition. I agree whole heartedly.
Barbara Hagerty said…
A friend of mine at Wired magazine said that Digg is at work on a seamless solution. Like me, Wired has been skeptical of Digg, but apparently, what they're doing isn't about an alternative, it's about re-creating all of Google reader's features so that nothing will be lost and no one will have to get used to a new format. Their challenge is time. Apparently there's a lot of creative and technical work involved (duh!), and the challenge is to have at least a beta version up and running by June 1st. Digg is depending on Google's cooperation, and according to my friend at Wired, Google is happily cooperating with Digg, if not actually endorsing them, or anyone else who might step up to the plate.
Unknown said…
I use FB a lot and like it, although a little fed up with how much dross seems to be there and making it harder to actually connect with people. However blogs are a totally different thing and like most other people are saying I have hundreds in my reader and the news of google reading shutting was a little worrisome. I've just been playing with Feedly and think that I quite like it and will get used to the change - it is much easier on the eye than Reader. However I haven't found anything to replace the Reader toolbar extension I was using which meant I didn't have to open Reader itself and could check blogs from a drop down mini window,
Irene said…
In the art world blogs are alive and thriving part of the community and connectedness. I love following blog friends, learning from them, being stimulated by what I see and read. Though I never tried Google reader I'm sorry that this useful tool will be gone soon.