16 January 2013 Journal Page

There's a gap in the dates of this journal. During that time, I was working in my "A Beautiful Necessity" journal. I have a hard time bopping around from journal to journal so I tend to stay working in one book at a time. However, I was traveling and going to be walking a lot so I needed something that wasn't a heavy hardcover. While this is a small book, it was still too heavy (especially with everything else that I would be carrying.) I always find it fascinating how folks work. I tend to work page by page in one book at a time. I find it disconcerting if I bop around and don't work this way. I also date each and every page (along with the weather.) It's the only time in my life where things have to be. just. so. It's all about finding what works best for you.

Busy day today. Prepping for my Connections class at Stampin from the Heart tomorrow. Board and paper have to be cut. Handouts need to be printed. Also working on my new online class, Swatches. I scanned over 70 photos yesterday which now have to be put into handout form. Busy! Busy! No complaints here! Just busyness! :)

Blog Love:
Freud: A Letter to Your Shrink Kickstarter
Mail Me Art 2013
Michelle Smith's Studio Space
Sarah Ahearn Bellemare's Process Guide to Spring Flowers 
Major Typography Love
How to Love an Introvert
Inge Druckery: Teaching to See

Happy Weekend!


Hi! I tend to work page by page in one journal at a time, too, Kelly. Now off to check out the links you left here...! Have fun being artfully busy! Hugs, kath