Journaling on the Train

I started the above pages on the train into New York City with David. I'd glue something down, look out the window, color something in, look over at David, bits and pieces from that ninety minute train ride are cemented in my mind because I made the time to stop and look at the life occurring around me. Journaling slows me down and opens my eyes. It's funny what you start to see when you put pen to paper. It's intriguing the little moments of a day that you can remember while you cut and paste. Life rarely slows down but sometimes it slows you down, waves at you and whispers, "You're here. Enjoy it a little."


Super LOVE this post, Kelly! Have fun in NYC!!!
Madeleine said…
These pages are really beautiful!
Brian Kasstle said…
Kelly my favorites are the green splotches on the right side.
irene said…
Now that's my idea of a perfect day!