Dangerous Places

Some places are more dangerous than others! 4th Street in Berkeley is especially dangerous! Between Scrapbook Territory, Castle in the Air, The Japanese Paper Store, the two book stores, Paper Source, the Caning Shop up the street and Dick Blick around the corner, it's all a paper lover/book artist's dream! Here you'll see some of the goodies that I found tonight. I had a great time seeing and shopping with two of my friends!

I'm all set up for classes in the morning. Happy to be here!

For tonight, I'm in my pjs and fuzzy pink bathrobe listening to old time radio (what did we do before we could listen to it anywhere and on our phones?!?!) and eating a spinach salad.

David, don't watch Elementary until I get home. ;)

Life is good.


Caatje said…
I'm hoping one day (in my lifetime!) they will invent a 3D printer that can take pictures from the internet and then just transform them into tangible items. That way I'd just have to visit your site, pick a picture like this, press 'print' and voilà! new cool art supplies! Hey, a girl can dream...;-)
Sarah said…
I'm really bad at leaving comments on blogs. I've read yours for ages but not commented! But see, those feathers (stickers? Rub ons maybe) they entice me! Love the haul and I'm enjoying your post as always!
Best of luck with your classes!
Do you ever come to PA?
Kate Burroughs said…
Looks like a fun bunch of stuff. 4th St. is my favorite place to go, for all the stores that you mentioned. Especially Scrapbook Territory! I rarely get out of there for less than $100. For now, I am mail ordering from Hawaii.
Aloha, Kate
martha brown said…
Love that comment about Elementary :)