What is a Journal?

I posted this the other day in my latest online class. I thought that it may benefit others by reposting it here.

A journal can be anything that YOU need it to be. It's not solely for angst or problem solving. It's a place to document, dialogue, process, question (am I...?) reflect, experiment and explore. 

A journal is what *you need at that moment.* 

I look at my journals and the journals of others and they are so unique and rich in human lives, experiences and history. They are valuable treasures. 

I spent Sunday morning with several art journal friends and we were passing our books around. Each was unique and so truly reflective of the individual. Some had pages of heartbreak, others pages of dialogue, some reflected their day. Each book had value and worth to their own creator (artist) as well as to their friends who appreciated the gift in holding their books and catching a rare glimpse of their friends that they may not get in daily conversation. Each journal had as much value as the person who created it.

My two cents on all of it.


emily cline said…
yes! It's my therapy, my escape. My freedom.
Tricia said…
Thank you for that glimpse inside your private self. I also love to look at others pages...I feel a sense of connection. Thank you for teaching ways for us to release what we cant bear to hold anymore.
Georgia Sommers said…
Kelly you are totally amazing I really miss seeing you and Mary Jo at CHA. It's just not the same