Bare Bones Journal Kit

On the train to New York City for 24 hours. Here's my absolute bare bones journal kit. I also have napkins to glue on as well as wipe off excess glue and burnish with. I can toss/recycle them as I go.

In the ziploc bag are background papers, collage ephemera, stickers, glue stick and three pens.

Not much but it keeps me sane!


Sweet Woodruff said…
Have fun and have a safe trip. Make something pretty to share.
sharon said…
Great idea! I should always have this ready! I don't know what it is, but I am always drawn back to your blog, and your pages! I am amazed at your work...I think it is incredible!
Looks pretty much like what I carry when I travel. I always pick up things on the way and use it too.