30 October 2012 Journal Page

In other news, I've added THREE new venues to my teaching list for this summer! Locally, I'll be at The Word is Art in Culver City. I have classes scheduled there for May-July right now. I'll be trekking back East in June this summer (Tristan's school schedule has changed our travel plans but we'll adapt!) I'll be at The Ink Pad in NYC June 22nd and 23rd. The following week, June 28th and 29th, I'll be at Kept Creations in Whitman, MA. It's a new venue for me but folks have been raving about it. I'm really looking forward to it! I'll be back at Art Unraveled in August (yay!!) In September, I'll be teaching at Art is You for the first time. All of my class information can be found here. It's going to be a busy summer but it will be a GOOD summer. 

I'll be blogging from my phone the next few days and taking YOU along with me! I hope you're up for it!

Blog Love (LOTS of it!):

In the meantime, check out this astounding blog directory list from Seth over at The Altered Page. This will keep you busy for weeks! Huge kudos to Seth for posting such an amazing list.


Seth said…
Your teaching schedule, as always, sounds exciting. Glad you will be back in NYC at The Ink Pad. And thanks for spreading the word about the Art Blog Directory.