19 October 2012 Journal Page

Mary asked: "...Unbound pages? I have recently come to the same decision as I am interested in exploring more kinds of paper and techniques. Are you planning to bind the journal at some point? Are you creating on the back side? Do you have a size preference for this new format? Inquiring minds want to know." 

I'm not planning to bind the journal. It is what it is, a portfolio of single, unbound, different size pages. I did work on both sides of the pages (front and back.) I never have a size preference for any of my journals. I like to make each one different in size, shape and construction depending upon my mood at the time. 

I had in mind when constructing this journal that it would be good for various purposes:

-An on the go journal with pages that I can add at my own leisure. The portfolio holds everything in nice and tight so you don't lose pages. It also allows me to make different size pages as well as to add postcards, photos and other found objects without attaching them to the pages. It's a container full of moments of my life!

-mail art: make different size postcards and keep them in one place until you're ready to send them out!

-daily inspiration collages: display them around your home or office. Give them to friends and family! It's a great way to keep, display and rotate your artwork.

-portable travel journal pages: instead of lugging a heavy journal, just bring a few pages, the portfolio and you can make pages from ANYTHING as you travel.

-mini size it! Make an ATC (artist's trading card) size or postcard size portfolio. It's adaptable so that you really can make it ANY size or even different shapes.

-sew pages in! Yes, you can sew pages into the book if you'd like.

I could go on! The possibilities really are endless. I hope that this inspires you!

I'm debuting this class next month at Frenzy Stamper and I'll also be teaching it later on in the month in Fremont, CA. I'm eager to teach it and see how my students translate the ideas!


Barbara Hagerty said…
Is this the "Moments" class that you refer to? I have unbound pages everywhere that I have no intention of ever binding. I can't wait to make the portfolio!
Sandy said…
Such great ideas. When I first started in art journaling I did my first pages on basic watercolor paper and have them in a folder. I'm not sure what to do with them and have never done more than kept them in that folder. I love the ideas you listed and so wish I could take this class as usual.