11 October 2012 Journal Page

I just chose the winners for my Marvel: Your Precious Life class contest. The contest was for one grand prize winner of a handmade, ready for you to work in journal (made by me) and then four runner ups could choose a seat in one of my online classes to folks who registered early (on or before 12/22.)

Four Winners Who Can Select a seat in ONE of ANY of my Online Classes (except this one!) to gift for YOU or you can even gift a class (this one included) to a friend-

Karen Ford
Margaret Lussier
Jo Bryant
Sharon Bennett

Winner of the Handmade, Ready For You To Work in Journal:

Michele Esser

Congrats, Ladies! I've emailed each one of you to let you know.

In the meantime, I'm still taking sign ups for my new online class, Marvel: Your Precious Life. I want to stress that even though starting December 31st, you'll be receiving daily worksheets for 31 days that this is a work at your own pace class and that at the end of the class, I will compile the worksheets into one large handout for you to download, save and print. You do not have to do the work daily to enjoy this class! This is a NO stress, FUN class full of new ideas, tips, tricks and techniques! We will be having four chats in January via a private facebook group (more on that here and these are optional.) The class information on making the journal as well as ideas on how to start your pages is actually live and available now on the class site (just an fyi for those of you who want to bind the journal in advance.) I'm also available at any time if you have questions or concerns.

If you've signed up and you haven't received anything from me, please email me at EGorey99@sbcglobal.net as you should have received something by now. THANKS!
