11 October 2012 Journal Page

I like to post different pictures on my Instagram feed than what I post here but I can't resist sharing a picture of a sticker that I found in a book last night. I found the book last week at Iliad Books in North Hollywood (one of my most favorite used bookstores). The book was originally bought at Brattle Street Books in Boston (I haven't been there in a very long time but I loved that shop.) Being from Boston originally, it was a fun find:
Spending today working on putting the finishing touches on my latest online class (remember, it's discounted until midnight PST tonight and there's a contest that goes through tonight as well) as well as prepping for my Massachusetts classes that are next week. Hoping to be able to spend tomorrow relaxing with David and Tristan before Christmas on Monday. 

It's been such a crazy month that it's nice to be able to slow down a bit (though being very busy has been good at keeping my mind off of things.) I've been throwing myself into my work the last several months so it's odd to slow down and actually think about things. I've been trying not to think about things and the big hole that is left in our lives. It's been a very hard six months but I am grateful for my family, my friends and for having a job that I love so much for keeping me sane and focused. I always say that I have the best students and I honestly mean that with every bit of my heart. 

A Bit of Blog Love:

-Kolaj Magazine (I subscribed and it came super fast! I can't wait to dive in! Thank you again, Andrew, for recommending it!)

-Holiday Movie Roundup-Includes two of my favorite films: Shop Around the Corner and The Apartment (holiday must sees in my opinion! The Apartment is the BEST New Years Eve movie!)

-If you love the movie, A Christmas Story, you may want to learn more about Jean Shepherd, the man behind it. I'm a big Shep fan so if you love podcasts, check out his old radio shows on the web.


Kathryn Zbrzezny said…
What a fun find, Kelly! I was telling my husband, Michael, that I want to go to some used and out of print bookstores over my Christmas vacation. Like I need more books...! But it is just SO much fun.
As I drive to and from the hospital each evening, I do a lot of thinking. I often think about loved ones and now, the holidays. I think about you and about this first hard holiday season with the hole in your life. The first one is the toughest. To this day, I have at least a taste of spiked egg nog at Christmas, because I laughed over it with my Dad at our last Christmas together.
Sweet Woodruff said…
You always post and share the best links. Love your art too.