Danny Gregory's A Kiss Before You Go

I picked up the latest Danny Gregory book, A Kiss Before You Go, on Tuesday night. I read all of it that night. I hate to say that a book written about such a heart breaking subject was good but it was, it's pure Danny. It's full of heart, it hits home and it speaks his truth. It breaks your heart yet makes you smile as it's so full of love and endearment. It doesn't weigh you down. It leaves you pondering and thinking about it days later (in a good way.) It's full of life and love.

I've been recommending his books since I read Everyday Matters in 2003 or so. Danny's latest book hit home after my Dad's sudden and unexpected death in June and I have been waiting for his book to be released.. I am so grateful that he opened his journals and shared so much with us. With so many books available on death and so few that I've been able to identify with, I am thankful that he wrote this. I don't feel as alone in my thinking any more. 

Danny has been sharing unpublished pages on his blog, as well.

Make sure you look inside the dust jacket, too...but wait until after you've read the book. It will put a big smile on your face.


Karenann Young said…
I didn't know about Danny's wife death. It is bringing tears to my eyes when I read his web site just now and heard his voice. I lost my mother last month. Now I can't stop crying. Maybe this book will help. Thanks for sharing.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Dear Karenann,

I am so truly and deeply sorry for your loss.

I lost my Dad in June and am having a very hard time as well. I found some comfort in this book. I also could identify with Susannah Conway's "This I Know" and Meghan O'Rourke's "The Long Goodbye". I bought others as well but those were the ones I liked the most.

If you ever want to talk, I am here. I have been doing a ton of journal pages, more so than usual, since June. It helps me to think things out.

Big, big, big hugs,
Indigene said…
I love Danny's book and just ordered his new one on line. It continues to be a long road when grief and loss are involved. At least, that continues to be my experience. Sending warmth and love to any and all who are experiencing these tremendous losses.