Important News about Zinnia in South Pasadena

From Zinnia's newsletter this morning:

Zinnia is Closing Our South Pasadena Brick & Mortar & Opening a New Door in the World of E-Commerce!

At Zinnia we think life is like art. It's ever changing, an must never become stale.

ZINNIA has been wonderfully successful at creating "a space for contagious creativity" and we'll continue to do so... at a New Location!

We're excited and eager to start focusing on the kind of growth that is more aligned with our new goals. Our customers and friends have made this chapter a wonderful one, and we invite you to stay tuned for our new endeavor. So, please Follow Us on Facebook and Sign Up for Our Newsletter and we’ll keep you posted on what we’re doing and where we’re going.

Onward & Upward!

Zinnia will remain open until Saturday, October 20th at 3 p.m. Select merchandise will be on sale for 50% off." 

Zinnia's website is here. 
1024 Mission Street  South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 441-2181


mkayteem said…
The Zinnia links do not work.