What I'm Reading Now

The past three months have been difficult. The moments seem to balance each other out: happy, sad, quiet, confused, thoughtful, lost, etc... I'm trying to find my way as there seems to be a "Before June 9th" and an "After June 9th" Kelly now. I can't explain it. There just is. I accept that. So, I focus on the daily moments that make me smile and open myself up and try to be gentle to the ones that weigh me down. It's all a balancing act. 

I'm always asking questions. I don't necessarily need to hear or know the answers but it's nice when I find out that I'm not alone in the asking. This book is a good companion in my life at the moment and I'm thankful that it was sitting in the right spot at the right time.

I hope that you're having a lovely Sunday and that wherever you are, whatever is going on with your life that you're being gentle with yourself. Hugs.


Hi Kelly, I just took a look at this book ( oh wow, now I sound like Dr. Suess), and it sounds like something I'd love, too. I think I'll go to my B&N this week to get myself a little present! I am being gentle to myself lately, too... I have also been reading This I Know, by Susannah Conway, which uses photography and beautiful words to inspire... Kathy
Kelly Kilmer said…
This I Know is a GREAT book! I bought my Mom and sister a copy, too. Can't recommend it enough!

You'll love a Field Guide...I think it's something we all need: to relish and live in the moment no matter how hard the moment is...

jane eileen said…
Sandy said…
This looks great. I'm going to have to check it out.
Brian Kasstle said…
This sounds like a great book! Hugs to you Kelly!
crimsoncat05 said…
sounds like an interesting book. And I totally get what you mean by a 'before' and 'after' feeling to things... it's weird, when it happens.
Tricia said…
Glad you found somethihg that offers support throught this tought time. Thinking of you :)
laurie said…
i have been following cristina's blog for quite some time now and enjoyed reading about the birthing of this book. so glad you are finding it relevant and helpful.