What are Your Favorite Books on Creativity?

Here's a sampling of mine. My favorite, hands down, is Learning By Heart by Corita Kent and Jan Steward.

What are your favorite books on creativity?


Karla said…
Kelly, Who is the author for the "Inspired" book, please?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Karla,

This is the book:

Hope it helps!
Peculiarme71 said…
Oh wow...I have many many books on creativity..but odd as it is there are some in your pile I do not have! I love The Book of Doing!
Desert Mermaid said…
Traci Bautista's first book: Collage Unleashed (eye candy, happiness responses inside, easy creativity-jump starter projects)

Gwen Diehn: all of her books

audio CD: Creative Fire, Clarissa Pinkola Estes (actually, any of her audio CDs are fabulous);

photography book called Newport Remembered for inspiration, like mental palette cleansing;

but mainly to stir my own creativity, I read about anything BUT what I do in/about my journaling. latest fascination is textile design.

this is more about what inspires my creativity; Cameron's The Artist's Way still gets my chops flowing and kicks my heinie like no other when it comes to creativity itself, the act, the nerve, the practice.