Dad and Music

I was saying on facebook last night one of the many, many things I miss about my Dad was not being able to call him and ask him the name of a song. Now I'm stuck googling it. If Dad was around he'd have told me not only the name of the song, the band, the lead singer but, more than likely, he'd have a story to go along with it.
When Otis Redding died, Dad was in the Army. He threw an Otis party spinning records and drinking beer all night long. He loved Otis.
Dad didn't get in the car without putting the radio (or cd, tape or 8-track) on. I've said it before, his music was always on and doo wop, Dean Martin, oldies, 40's, 50's all were the soundtrack of most of my life. I have a vast appreciation for a variety of music thanks to him. (It's funny, though, as he didn't like jazz, which I love. He also liked new country, which I don't. I prefer Johnny Cash and old country. I was often surprised to hear about the new albums he'd buy after heading a new song on the radio. He was always buying music in some form.)
I miss him very much but you can still catch me playing his cds, whistling his favorites, singing them out loud and wondering what the story would be.


Yeah, the music a man loves...

My husband just got home late last night from a week long trip and one of the first things I told him was, " no one was hear to play music. It was so quiet while you were gone." I still heard his music in my head, though...!

And there are a couple of songs that will ALWAYS bring my Dad to mind.
Hugs, kath
Sandy said…
Lovely story and page. I too remember lots of songs that will always remind me of my Dad and growing up. I'm lucky to still have him here. Thinking of you.
Suzie B said…
Your story sounds like mine. I love all genres of music, thanks to my dad. He loved music and always had something on his stereo, he bought me my first Beatles album, many years ago. Now I share that love of music with my son. He knows more about music than anyone I know since my dad. Now when I need to know a song title or artist I'll call him. He'll tell me the song, artist and remakes. It puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. Thanks for sparking those thoughts!
Beachstudio said…
Wonderful stories!